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I like the concept but the gameplay wasn't obvious to figure out and the human AIs never did anything to stop me even after it would have been very obvious something was going on, making it easy and kinda dull to win... maybe that was a bug?

Anyway nice work for Ludum Dare!


I know what you mean, and we wished we could have done more with it in the short time period. Maybe one day we will get back to it and flesh out the concept a bit more to create a more engaging (and better explained) game.


AWESOME GAME! i I loved playing it so much! I was sooo close to winning!

I played this on Windows 10, and whenever I went to desktop to do something (*) I could not return to the game, nor close it. Had to reboot. All mouse events where lost and only keyboard worked.

(*) In this case tweak the son's minecraft server.


Multikills are possible, efficient, and immensely satisfying.

Did you use Unity or MonoGame to build this... The concept is great

the executable on windows has the unity logo on it, so it's safe to assume it's a unity title

It's Unity. The layout of the files matches 100%.

As the comments above suggest: It's plain simple Unity ;)

On Ubuntu 15.10 (should work on 14.04) I had to:

sudo apt install libxrandr2:i386 libxcursor1:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386

Oh and you may have to run:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386


Fun game, thanks! On 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 I had to install some 32-bit libs to make the 32-bit Linux binary work. Maybe consider adding a 64-bit build to the Linux zip, which would prevent this being necessary for future users. For reference I did "apt-get install libglu1-mesa:i386 libxcursor1:i386 libxrandr2:i386" which fixed it for me.

Thanks for the hint! I'm still figuring out stuff with Linux. I'll see what possibilities I have in the process.

Happy to help you test things before publishing if that helps.

Unity3D (which I believe you used) has an option to spit out a Linux build, and can create a folder which contains your game data and two binaries, one 32-bit and one 64-bit. It means the player has to choose which binary to run, but they're running Linux so can probably figure that out ;)

I am not sure how to overlord engines.

They overload during hyperjumps but only if you activated them beforehand.


Aha-! Thanks. I saw the ending three times :)

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